Friday, October 31, 2008


So last night I got a call from my mother informing me that my Aunt Diane had just passed away. I was playing basketball with Erin and just broke down, I felt like a little piece of my heart had been ripped out. I mean to say it the simplest way that I can, Diane was one of the most amazing people I have ever known in my life. She married my mom's brother over 15 years ago and had been dealing with MS for most of her adult life. This was my uncle's fifth marriage and also the best. She was not only a strong member of the church but a strong believer in living life to the fullest. I am grateful I had the opportunity to see her one last time before she passed away this last August. She had deteriorated so fast that she no longer looked the same, in the past year her life did a total 180. She lost the ability to even walk or remotely take care of herself, and it absolutely broke my heart. When talking to her this last visit, she said she was tired of this trial but was grateful that the Lord had allowed her to have it. She is the only person that could say it quite that way. My poor uncle who I am also close with, is more heart broken I suppose because he lost his sweetheart but he is so grateful to have had her in his life as well. I will honestly say that I will miss this sweet lady more than anything else in the world. However, the way that life works is that you must always try to be as optimistic in even the most pessimistic of situations. She always did that, I will love and miss you dearly Diane, and thank you for letting me love and know you.

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